Pending approval of a church conference, PVUMC trustees will sign a sales agreement with JLB Realty LLC that commits the church to participate in a rezoning plan. The plan would replace the 2011 current zoning plan. (Although the 2011 plan has proven unworkable and is dead, it restricts the use of 3-4 acres of church property for commercial buildings/parking garages). If rezoning is approved by Loudoun County, the plan commits the church to sell no more than 2 acres of the church property to be used for a community park and access road.(see attached figure) The agreement has been through several iterations under the advice and counsel of an attorney retained by the church. The UMC District Church Location and Building Committee approved the agreement on August 15, the Board of Trustees on September 16, and the Council September 24. Key features of the agreement are as follows:

1. The 1.25+/- acre parcel (developer estimate but no more than 2 acres) bordering East Gate View Drive of the 5.8-acre church property, would be used for a community park and an access road. Closing of the sale would take place within 30 months of the date of
agreement signing. Completion of the rezoning process will take 18 months or more. Changes in the plan are expected, but PVUMC can reject any changes that conflict with the agreed plan.

2. The church would receive compensation for the parcel, the developer would construct a paved driveway from the access road to the church parking lot, install public water lines to the church and old parsonage (estimated value of $200,000+) and grant an easement for a church directional sign along East Gate View Drive.

3. If the development plan is approved there would be a significant number of new residents in a new apartment complex adjacent to the west side of the church when the development is finished. The planned complex would have 5 buildings and 340 units with a projected 800-1,000 residents.

4. The sale of the parcel is not expected to interfere with any future building plans. The potential closing of the US 50 E entrance to the church would eliminate a visible and convenient access to the church. Both the church and developer oppose the closing. The rezoning plan includes an access road to East Gate View Drive.

Proposed Development Plan 


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